Louisiana UST Operator Training & Resources
Our Certified UST Training Offerings
After passing the course, you’ll receive a certificate that can be downloaded and printed for your records.

Regular price
Course Description
Antea Group offers Class C training for Louisiana UST operators and is available in a convenient online format. For Class A or Class B operators, your UST certification is sponsored by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) through Petro Classroom, and you’ll find more information on that below.
Class C
Antea Group’s Louisiana Class C UST training course is available on-demand, and can be taken anytime and anywhere for your convenience. The course is self-paced, allowing you to stop and start as many times as needed. The training takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. As with most states, Class C training is facility-specific, so certification is only valid after signature approval by the Class A or Class B operator following a review of the UST system for your facility and appropriate notification has been made to Louisiana Compliance Services.
Please note to use Google Chrome or Firefox as your browser. Internet Explorer and Edge can have issues with some aspects of your course.
UST Training Requirements for Louisiana
The state of Louisiana requires the training and certification for all Class A and Class B operators. Class A and Class B operator training must be completed through the LDEQ-sponsored training course with Petro Classroom.
Retraining is required for Class A and Class B operators every three years; however retraining may be required before the three-year retraining date if a facility is found to be noncompliant.
Class C certificates must be issued by Louisiana. To obtain certificates, the Class A or B Operator must submit the name of the person, date trained, and UST owner information for their trained Class C Operators to Louisiana Compliance Services.
Quick Links to Class A/B Training Programs
The LDEQ-sponsored Class A or Class B operator training course can be accessed at the link below:
Additional Resources
For more information on Louisiana’s UST training requirements, visit: http://deq.louisiana.gov/page/underground-storage-tank.