Colorado UST Operator Training & Resources

At this time, Antea Group does not offer UST training courses for any operator class in Colorado. However, below we provide you with information on training requirements and links to approved courses.

Quick Link for A/B and C Certified Training Programs

We recommend USTtraining's Colorado state-approved training program for Class A, Class B, and Class C certification.  Access their training here:

UST Training Requirements for Colorado 

Colorado requires the certification of all Class A and Class B operators. Certification can be obtained through the International Code Council (ICC), an OPS-approved training entity, or through reciprocity with other states.

In addition to becoming certified, Class A and Class B operators are required to perform monthly and annual inspections of the UST facility. Retraining is required when compliance deficiencies have been identified during an OPS inspection. 

Finally, OPS requires training for all Class C operators through online or on-site means. There is no exam required.

Reciprocity & Additional Resources

The state of Colorado may accept operator training certification for individuals trained in states that have equivalent UST operating requirements. To verify your out-of-state training, operators should contact the OPS at:

Colorado Division of Oil and Public Safety
633 17th Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202
(Phone) 303-318-8525

For more information on UST training requirements in Colorado, visit: UST Operator Training | CDLE - Division of Oil and Public Safety (